After meandering about the internet for a while I decided to find something new. I did this by going to a random blog and then clicking on one of the blogs listed in the side bar. I then repeated the random blog selections until I landed somewhere that caught my fancy. Which is where the above picture comes in. What you see up top is a lovely Holiday Cottage in the Scottish Highlands called Papa Stour's Bolt Hole. You can rent it out. I'd like to rent it out. All by myself. For about a week. Yeah - a week by myself....mmmmm, sounds good!
At any rate, since I'm not able to skip off on a holiday, post haste, I'm taking a little mental vacation this evening. I'll just imagine myself there, enjoying the scenery, reading, napping, taking long walks. I'll bet there's tea and scones. At Papa Stour's Bolt Hole. In the Scottish Highlands. No, I don't know what a "Bolt Hole" is - perhaps a place you 'bolt' to when you need a break? Don't make me think hard!
If you want to have a look/get more info:
I'd like to meander.
Maybe I should vacation up there and let you know how it is :)
That would be great have some haggas and ale!!!
You know, when you hit menopause, you get to take short, intense, *private* vacations in the tropics... just thought you'd like to know that.
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