How adorable is this tiny frog?! I love it! I may have mentioned in a previous post (or not) that my siblings and I once lost a baby frog in my parents car. We had been out to visit the grandparent's farm and per the usual had found some frogs to
I left the girls alone in the car one time while I ran inside. I mistakenly thought they were old enough (10 and 14) to be trusted for 30 seconds. When I came out I found them having soft-drink spit wars with their straws. There was soda splattered all over the place. This sort of behavior is one of the reason's parents are programmed to love their offspring. Survival of the species depends on it. Sure they're all cute and stuff when they're tiny, like this frog baby. We get sucked in and attached. Then come the trials and tribulations. And the law says we can't kill them when they splatter coke and sprite all over creation. Or when they turn frogs loose in our cars.
Wee baby frogs grow in to big frogs quickly and go on about their frog business. Kids grow up fast too. Sometimes that seems good, sometimes not so much. One thing is sure: if my children have children they will be complaining to me one day about what their daughter/son did in the car. I will just laugh and remind them of the soda war of 2006.
Love is everywhere for sure.
lost car keys
Or when You leave the kitchen and come back to find pork and beans stuck on the ceiling while 5 little girls sit laughing. Or Bologna stuck on the ceiling and nobody knows who did it.
Who would stick pork and beans or bolgna to a ceiling???Anyone I know?
I can't even imagine the mess that must have made. The worst (and most stupid) thing I did while alone in the car as a kid was to test out the cigarette lighter with my finger. It hurt like crazy, but there was no way I was going to tell my parents what I'd done. The burn mark was crazy looking because it was a bunch of rings.
Dumb kid...
This reminded me of the lizard in the pantry incident. I think you were too little to remember, but someone found a little lizard (this was back in Colorado where lizards are not as abundant as in Arizona). Your Dad got a lizard container for it and set it on the pantry shelf. The lizard disappeared and I was always worried I would find its remains among the cans of food.
ok it was 5 little girls before their brother came along. I sit here with My 1st Granddaughter and her parents who are laughing. Little do they know whats ahead of them. LOL
Or painting with poo poo or food for mommy and daddy!!;-p
Thanks for your recent visit to my corner of Blogdom. I've been seeing you about and had to come find out what was happening here.
Oh this is classic stuff. I always told my children that I hoped that they had children just like them. So far, that's been working very well. Not that the sun doesn't rise and set on my grands, mind you. ;>
anon pantry lizard: I'd be worried about dessicated lizard!
anon sis: I hope K and D are ready for the payback from your grandbaby!
Lucky: I'm a witness to your creativity!
Vee: Thanks for coming by - hope you'll visit again. I have fun doing this and it's good to know people enjoy it!
I do miss the farm I was telling a friend about the farm, the jackassery hand fun at the ponds and tree!!!
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