In order to tell you about Refrigerator Ken I must first tell you that my oldest daughter had quite the Barbie collection back in the day. Lots and lots of Barbies. Just who did all those Barbies date? Well, Spiderman. And Dr. Octopus. And Hobgoblin. There's also this other dude (missing his tail in this shot) whose name eludes me just now. Oh, and we did have one Ken doll. Here are three of the fellows that are still hanging around. They used to swing by and take various Barbies out on dates in the fabulous Barbie Mobile.
Of all these fine specimens, Spiderman (unavailable for the photo shoot) was pretty much the preferred date. Years went by and the Barbies were given up, yet somehow Ken (et al.) remained. Dear, dear Ken. A couple of years ago, for reasons unknown to me, my daughters put Ken in the refrigerator. Now, some plastics can take the cold and some become brittle. Apparently Ken was not made for cooler climes and as he got moved around the refrigerator some of his parts failed to remain intact. To be fair, he was already a bit broken going in. There was a time when the occasional hand or foot would turn up under a bed or behind the sofa. From what I hear he was sent flying off a ceiling fan more than once. Anyhow, he is a beloved refrigerator fixture for us and we have done our best to keep his remaining parts together. Behold, one and all, Refrigerator Ken:
Like I said, he has become a beloved fixture in our fridge. When my daughter was in the hospital I brought her some pictures of family, friends and some of her favorite things from home. Refrigerator Ken was in those pictures, right along side her soccer ball and a few other items, providing a much needed laugh. I suspect he will be with us for some time to come.
How funny is that? I think if he resided in my fridge something would spill on him.
You lived on Jay Rd? I lived on Independence, just one mile south. Maybe we knew each other? email me. Who were your grandparents? I can't believe it. I love "small world stories"
sorry, I misspelled something in the previous comment, so I deleted it and tried again. heh heh
Trauma Nurse Barbie :)
actually, we lived on Evergreen, but the grandparents lived on Jay Road...
many good times had there.
You sure thats Ken he looks like I.G. Joe who steped on a I.E.D.
You know, that Ken (what's left of him) is just disturbing on SO many levels...
mouch: my daughter used to joke about "Bitch-Slappin' Barbie" and "Don't-Dog-Me Ken"...
lucky: yeah...he does resemble a GI Joe...we're a tough bunch of girls...
esa: I wonder if he's worth mentioning to a therapist....
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