We had a client come in one day, flip open his cell phone and proceed to display a picture of he and his wife having sex. A very close up picture. As everyone's eyes burned in their heads and our brains screamed in agony, he explained to us that the reason he knew it was he and his wife is because of the tattoo on his penis. It was a bug. I won't tell you which bug, but I know I'll never look at that particular kind of bug ever again in my life without thinking of this client. I could be 90 and senile and forget my children's names but I'll still remember this guy.
You know what's even worse about this story? The picture was completely irrelevant to why he was in our office, although he certainly thought it was important. I have to wonder if he was on drugs when he got that tattoo. Seriously, I can't imagine getting a tattoo in such a sensitive spot, let alone the particular bug he chose. I wasn't about to ask either!
umm... you should probably fuzz some of the details there...
I have a couple buddys that have done that I just shake my head! I like tattoos but not enuff to get one there!!!OUCH!!!!
yeah, the bread delivery man in our grocery store compared his "Little General" with a tuna can. "not long but . . ." Every time I see him, I think of his horrible description of himself and just want to gag.
Some of those images never leave, do they? so gross
Not sure why he felt you had a 'need to know'. What a weirdo.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Wow. And ICK!
BJ's step-mother (who I will swear to my dying day is a complete loon) thought it was appropriate to show me the bikini lace panties that BJ's dad got her. Inappropriate for the following reasons:
1. First time I'd met her
2. They were on her body
3. She wasn't at ALL 'groomed'
4. She is almost 60.
I will never ever ever (a million evers) forget that image that is burned in my head.
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