There are so many Christmas songs, both religious and secular, and for the past few weeks I've heard nearly all of them. I'm not complaining - I love almost all of them. However, if I had to choose a favorite Christmas song this one would win hands down. I've heard many people sing this but not many can really pull it off. I loved Michael Crawford in Phantom of the Opera (I cried) and when I heard his version of "Oh Holy Night" I wanted to include it here for you tonight. Maybe you can make it through without a tear...I can't! Merry Christmas to all.
That is beautiful. I love that he is so sweet to the beautiful children singing with him. They look like angels. *¦*:·-·:*HAPPY*:·-·:*¦*:·-·:*NEW YEAR*:·-·:*¦* ~a
Two kids, grown and nearly grown. Two cats, as grown as they'll ever be. I work. I play. First 50 years flew by - can't wait to see what happens in the next 50!
Merry Christmas :)
That's my absolute FAVORITE Christmas song (and that's saying a lot because I love Christmas music!)
Thanks for posting that. Even after Christmas, I enjoyed it. Heck, I might even bookmark it.
That is beautiful. I love that he is so sweet to the beautiful children singing with him. They look like angels.
*¦*:·-·:*HAPPY*:·-·:*¦*:·-·:*NEW YEAR*:·-·:*¦*
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