Beware, me Buccaneers and Wenches! The day fer talkin' like pirates draws nigh! Ye have but another day after this one to get yerself shipshape! Move along handsomely now, hoist yer Jolly Roger and prepare to weigh anchor! Tis nearly time for leavin' behind yer land-lubbin ways!
As ye can see, me Brethren o' the Coast are prepared to help ye walk the plank, get a floggin' with me Cat-O-Nine Tails, or learn the meanin' o' keel-haulin' should ye fail to consider me warnin'!
Red Anne Rackham
The 12 year old in me comments:
I don't want to see ANYONE hoist their Jolly Roger.
(tee hee)
Whew! Thanks for the heads up, I almost missed out!
risible: as in, "is that your jolly roger or are you happy to see me?"
mj: I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on some fun! we need all the fun we can get.
So I guess it's up to me to mention the seamen and the big chests then... ;)
Mouche: Aye, are ye talkin' booty?? ;)
Yarrr!!! that pirate in the center foreground looks like our baby brother!!! yarr!!!!
I've posted a pirate icon on me blog... ;)
ESA: yarrggh! indeed the scurvy buccaneer does resemble baby brother!
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