This word cloud was generated at
I've seen these word clouds on various web sites and now I have one of my own. You can have one too! In fact, you can create as many as you'd like. Just visit Wordle and by entering your URL, or your choice of words, you can make your own unique cloud. The site allows you to tweak your cloud by changing the font, layout and coloring of the cloud.
I see lots of possibilities here: school projects, personalized special occasion cards, and posters to name a few. For now, just a little bit of fun for a Sunday :)
cows :)
I can't get it to work....
The site won't work at all or were you trying to post your cloud on your blog? I had problems and finally just took a digital pic and posted that...with reference to the site of course..
Haha fun. But I can't get mine to save either.
I'm wondering if there aren't other sites that do this?? My sister used 'screen print' to get hers but I had problems with that..sometimes I'm not so tech savvy! I guess you can print it on paper and then scan it in, but who wants to use up colored ink like that? I'll mess with it again someday to see if I can do better.
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