Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here Comes That Word of the Day...

Some things are obvious. Like nicknames. Nicknames for boobs, such as Double Trouble. Now really, though...are they trouble? I guess they can be.

Sometimes boobs are trouble to the owner: too big, show-through, lactation leakage.

Sometimes they're more trouble to the observer: walking into something while staring at boobs, getting chewed out for looking at them while talking to the owner, touching without permission. Definitely trouble.

Mostly though, they are not much trouble: they don't talk back, pass gass or make embarrassing noises. What a relief, eh?

Have a good Saturday, and don't forget to click (that button, over there, on the left). Hey! Look at my eyes when I'm talking to you!


Anonymous said...

wow, that puts a whole new face on the Shakespearean:

Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble...

that second line referring to what should happen to those who rudely stare at the ta-tas while speaking to the owner...

LUCKY said...

This also goes for women,I was jogging the lake on a hot day and had my shirt off and I caught a lady watching me run as she was walking and she triped on the edge of the grass! This was also when I was 60lbs lighter and didn't eat a box of ding dongs for a midnight snack!!! :-(

happyian said...

Ohhh hoo hoo boy
All the times I catch you ladies staring

(please let me catch you staring...
I won't get mad...)

Anonymous said...

Staring at wabbly bits??
