Show your support for Ta Ta's by clicking the link below and purchasing the fabulous Ta Ta products (a portion of the sales go to breast cancer research). There's even a line of products for men and babies, two of the worlds leading supporters of Ta Ta's!

If you have no money to spend that's ok! You can still help to save the Ta Ta's by clicking on this next link, today and everyday, all year long. Just by clicking you will help to provide mammograms to women all over the world. Women just like your wife, mother, sister, cousin, friend, neighbor or even yourself. You can make a difference for Ta Ta's!
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We all know someone who has suffered or will suffer from breast cancer. No joke. This month I will feature a "Boob Word of the Day" every day as a reminder. What is a "Boob Word of the Day" you ask? Well, Ta Ta's is your first example. Come back everyday to learn a new word and to click on the link above to help fund mammograms. If you don't want to see The Snail everyday that's fine, I won't cry, but please bookmark the breast cancer site so you can click every day. Better yet, add the link to your blog. See you (and your Ta Ta's) tomorrow!
Someone else posted about this and I gave the same reply there: I gave to the appeal for several years because it touched the family of my last ex. However since she did what she did to me I can't bring myself to donate any more, because I associate it so much with her.
Mouche: I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry to hit a sore spot! Perhaps you would consider clicking the free mammogram site for all the other women in your life? My sister has had breast cancer more than once and I don't have money to give these days, hence the click-site.
I am upset by Scarmouche Jones's answer. That seems really childish and awful!
I am stealing your widget and putting it on my page too.
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