Now, through the power of the interwebs(JapaneseSweetShop at flickr), I bring you Flatsy:

When I was looking for a picture of Flatsy I discovered that there is a company called Schylling that is selling Flatsy dolls again. Will my shame never end???!! Ok. I'm not flat anymore so the taunts can't hurt me now, right? Anyway, this whole thing came up thanks to one of my older sisters. She felt it her duty to remind me of a similar nickname from around the same time period. That nickname was Flatbush. Yeah, read it and laugh. Go ahead, I can take it. I am no longer a flatsy or a flatbush, although I sometimes wish I were. Really. No bras, no bounce when running, no toll of gravity - none of the bothersome aspects of the mighty rib cushions.
That's right, today's boob word is: rib cushions. What young child doesn't enjoy the soft, pillowy effect of a mother's rib cushions? Poor Flatsy, she had none.
Rib cushions. I hadn't heard that one, but it's quite appropriate.
I think I remember seing Flatsy? Pic mabey,cant remember so many moons ago! Dam you old age!!!
I remember these dolls.
I call mine "Not there" ;)
it's the flatsy commercial!(:
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